Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's All About His Glory

We talk a lot about God's glory.  We easily, perhaps too easily sing, "To God be the Glory."  We frequently promise to give God, "all the praise, honor, and glory" for His work in our lives.  

The thing that is so moving about Elijah's prayer on Mt. Carmel is that he is consumed with the glory of God and the fame of heaven's king.  He doesn't pray for fire merely to consume a sacrifice.  In 1 Kings 18:36-37 he prays, "O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, today let it be known that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and I have done all these things according to Your word.  Answer me.  Answer me, O Lord, that this people may know that You, O Lord, are God and that You have turned their heart back again."

Elijah didn't want fire for fire's sake.  He wanted fire for the glory of God.  Even the part of his prayer that seems to want a validation of his ministry (that I am Your servant) is ultimately about validating the Word of the preacher and not the preacher of the Word.

Elijah prayed that God would answer in a way that would maximize God's glory.

As we pray for various issues, how often do we pray that God would answer in whatever way would accomplish His maximum glory?  Or do we simply make our requests with our goals, our dreams, and our agenda in mind?

Praying for the glory of God in any situation requires a "not my will but Your will be done" kind of prayer.  You see, often, we can't be sure that that our preferred response would result in the maximum glory for Christ.

Maybe God will receive some greater measure of glory through our sickness than through our healing.  Are we willing to pray for His maximum glory?

Maybe God will receive greater glory with your unemployment than your promotion.  Are you willing to pray for His maximum glory?

Maybe God will be magnified to a greater extent through pain, infirmity, and heartache.  Are you willing to pray for His maximum glory?

Maybe the reason God wants to restore a Christian marriage is not merely for the sake of the children.  Perhaps, He wants to restore it for the sake of His glory and the cause of His own name.

When we pray, let's pray to that end.  "For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen."

Questions / Assignments for the Day:

1.  Make a list of your prayer requests today.  Be sure to include needs in your own life as well as the needs of others.

2.  Ask yourself, "How could God be glorified through His answer to these requests?"

3.  Conclude your prayer with words and thoughts like this, "Lord, I ask you to answer this prayer in whatever way will bring you maximum glory.  I trust you to glorify Your name through this matter."

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